Reception 10/2/21

Good morning Reception,

Here are your learning challenges for today! Remember you can choose which order you complete your learning challenges in. Don’t forget to upload your pictures/ videos and comments onto Tapestry. Make sure you have lots of fun!

See you tomorrow at 2:30pm on Zoom for our meeting!

Miss Hughes

Today’s new word challenge: Quiet

Can you find out what this word means? Can you say it? Can you put it into a sentence?

Task 1

Tell me about number 10!

For this task you will need some objects and a tens frame. You can easily draw your own tens frame or you can print one out and two different counters or coloured pieces of paper.

Image result for tens frame

Using two different coloured counters or cut out pieces of paper, Can you put 10 counters onto your tens frame? Can you talk about what you can see. Move the counters around and see if there are still 10 counters, what can you see now?

I have put 10 counters onto my tens frame. I know there are 10 because I can count the counters saying one number name for each. I also know there are 10 just by looking because the tens frame is full. I can see that the top row is full so that means there are 5 counters and the bottom row is full so that’s 5 counters. 5+5=10.

I have moved my counters! Have I still got 10 counters? How do you know?

Have a look at these pictures. Talk about what you can see!

Task 2

Can you draw the different animals from the Chinese New Year story.

Can you label each animal?

Task 3

Can you make a Chinese New Year Dragon? 

Click the link below:

Oxford Owls Website

Click the link to access reading books online at the appropriate level for your child every day! If you have forgotten your log in please contact Miss Hughes. Remember to ask your child questions about the book and enjoy reading!

Hands and Voices session with Mrs Saville

Click the link to log into our Hands and Voices session with Mrs Saville. There will be a new lesson every week. If you have forgotten your log in details please contact Miss Hughes.

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